Motorcycle Repair: 1970 Yamaha Enduro 90 (HT1), hex caps, clymer manual
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Mike, I have the above mentioned bike. I am fairly mechanically inclined , however this bike needs new fork seals. I have already purchased the parts ($7.95 ea) but I have never done this job before. Any tips or procedures would help also recomended fork oils would be great. Thanks in advance for any help you can give
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Fairly staight forward, loosen the pinch bolts and slide the stanchions out. Pop off the dust caps and there you will see the top end fork seals. Remove the circlip and washer than carefully pry out the old seals. Oil up the new ones, slide them down the stanchion and press them firmly but carefully into place and replace the washer and clip. If you want to do the lower seals too, it's more involved, you will have to dismantale the whole fork assembly and you will need to make a simple "holder" tool to lock the piston in place while you loosten the dissasembly bolt at the bottom of the fork. I reccomend you get the Clymer or Haynes manual if you want to attempt this.
Thanks Mike, Do I have to top up the fork oil after the job? If so where do I add it? Any idea where I can get a Haynes or Clymer manual for this bike? I have searched around but haven't had much luck finding a manual for HT1 bikes. Will the early Yamaha Piston Port Manuals cover my bike? Thanks again Mike you have already been very helpful.
There is a drain screw or bolt at the bottom of each fork for draining and you fill with 5W to 30W fork oil (standard motor oil can work but it doesn't have the anti-foaming agent the fork oil has). To fill remove the top hex caps and make sure their O-rings are in good condition, if not, replace them. 150 cc of oil is the approx. usuall amount, not much. Experiment w/ the wieght of the oil, heavier wieght will give you more dampening and less recoil. If you can't find that particular manual you can purchase a general 60's - 70's 2-stroke book. Either Clymer or Haynes makes a good one.