Motorcycle Repair: 1986 Honda 700 Magna, coolant leaks, honda model
I am having some problems. I took out my roomate's bike this weekend and it was running great. I put about 50-60 miles on the bike and I never saw or noticed any problems. When I put the bike down for the night it was running fine (or so I thought). The next day my roomate's brother came over to borrow the bike and it would not start. The engine was turning (up until the battery went dead) but it would not fire up. I am sure that it was not flooded. Upon further inspection I noticed that there was leak coming from the engine. Anti-freeze was leaking out of the engine on both sides of one valve where the radiator lines come into the manifold? All fluid levels were okay and I never noticed any indicator lights on when I was riding the bike the day before. What is going on? If you have any ideas or suggestions I would appreciate it.
Nick Wisniewski
AnswerHi Nick,
I need to know exactly where the coolant is leaking from. Try visiting this website:
Look at the microfiche parts and see if you can tell me which part coolant leaks from. Describe by the number on the microfiche or by part number.
Also, remove the spark plugs. Describe their appearance to me. I suspect the plugs were fouled during starting. If they appera black/sooty or wet, they are fouled. Clean them with carb spray cleaner ($3.00) and a tooth brush. Dry and reinstall. See if she will start and run.
We'll go from there. I need your email addy as requested. I return repair and test info by email. Send to:
[email protected]
Mark Shively