Questionrecently replaced the cam, cam chain , and guides, when reinstalled motor has no spark,the starter coil plastic around the magnetic coil thingy[real technical i know] was cracked, would this cause no spark, if not what else might? the bike is a 99 grizzly 600 from yamaha. i bought the bike used rode it for 3 months and the cam sprocket bolts backed out,now i know why i got it cheap. thanks for any help you can give me it is all appreciated my wife is ready to kill me!
AnswerHi Brian,
I'll try and help you, but we need to communicate on the same level. Visit this link: ""
Once the page opens, click "Parts & Service" from the top menu bar, then click: "Parts Catalog" from the drop down menu. A new page opens, select the year of your ATV "1999" from the left menu, select "Generator" from the next menu. Look at the parts microfiche and indicate by number which parts you are referring to in your question description.
I need your email address as requested. I retrun repair information files via email.
Mark Shively
[email protected]