Motorcycle Repair: Sporster back to life., sportster 883, logical solution

I understand.  Don't call me Reggie.
I have a 92 Sportster 883 with 3000 miles.  I haven't been on it in three years and I'm trying to get it running.
I've cleaned the pulgs, replaced the battery, oil and filter and sprayed some carburetor cleaner in the carb. That's about all I know about getting it back on the road.
It will start with the choke full but will not run at all with it off.  I've let it idle until it's at operating temprature but it won't take any throttle and dies with the choke in.
Apreciate any help.

Hi Reg.
 The problem has to be in the carb.  Since Harleys only use 1 carb, there is no need to synchronize, so that only leaves the fact that the carb is in desperate need of a proper, disassembly cleaning.  If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, then get it to a mechanic who is good with carbs.

This is a common problem with nearly all of the cases that I have run across with bikes that have been restored after long dormancy or stored over the winter.  Based on what you have told me, that is the only logical solution.

Good luck.