Motorcycle Repair: When to install cam., 2004 suzuki z400, clutch kit

I have a 2004 Suzuki Z400, suspension and tires set up for MX track, full pipe, jetted, K&N filter and an 11k- Yoshi rev box.  My next step is a cam and cam chain.  My question is would it hurt to go ahead and install the cam or should I wait and install the cam when I install  the Big Bore Pistons, 40 mm carb and clutch kit that I am saving for?  Thanks.

Hi Aaron,

Q: My question is would it hurt to go ahead and install the cam or should I wait and install the cam when I install the Big Bore Pistons, 40 mm carb and clutch kit that I am saving for?

A: I would do all the work once.

Mark Shively