Questionwould you know where about this stator coil is on this bike,and were would i get a used stator coil-------------------------
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-------------------------About how much will it cost me to replace the coil if that is the problem?...roughly Joe
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hi again chris have question went riding with friend yesturday an hour into riding bike just died battery so my friend went and bought me a battery and on way back almost home died again would start with jump but died shortly after could it be new battery wasnt charged or i have short somewhere. thanks again here from you soon
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Hi Joe.
Your problem is not the battery. It is the stator coil. On motorcycles, the battery and stator both work together to keep the bike running. On a partially charged battery, the bike will run and charge the battery as long as the stator coil is working correctly. If it's not, then the bike will die and all the batteries in the world will not help you.
Charge the battery and set the bike on the centerstand. Start it up and, using a multimeter, see what the battery is charging at. If it is below 13VDC, then it is the stator coil, in which case, replace it.
Good luck.
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Hi Joe.
The best that I could tell you is that a rebuilt stator will run you about $80 - $120, while a new one will average about twice that or a bit more.
Good luck.
AnswerHi Joe.
Normally the stator coil is located on the low (left) side of the bike. Your manual will show you where it is and what, if any, special proceedures need to be done to remove it.
As far as used coils, I do not recommend it. It is far better to get a rebuilt one or new one. If you must get a used one, then get it from a motorcycle salvage yard or if you know of anyone that is "parting out" another of the same make/year/model as yours. There are quite a few cycle salvage yards scattered around the country.
Your local bike shop can get you one that's rebuit as well as get you a new one. If there is a place locally that rebuilds car generators, they might be able to rebuild yours, but for that you would have to check with them.
Good luck.