Motorcycle Repair: Kawaski 750 Vulcan, kawasaki dealership, transmission work
QuestionI have a 1995 750 Vulcan with about 4,600 miles on it. It is stuck in first gear and unable to shift out. The Transmission gear shift is on tight but just flops up and down. I've been told by a mechanic that the bike must be split apart to be repaired. Is it worth it and who do I find in the Seattle area that would be competant in doing the repair.
AnswerHi Gary,
The MC has low mileage. It may be worth repairing, you must decide. Most transmission work requires removing the engine and splitting the engine cases to access the trainy. It can be costly in service fees and parts.
Have a Kawasaki dealership perform the work.
Go to or to view parts microfiche and compare parts prices on-line.
Mark Shively