Motorcycle Repair: 1976 Honda CB750, 1976 honda cb750, stator coil

 Bought this bike after it had sat in this persons front yard for 5 years. Pushed it home. Cleaned out the fuel system. Overhauled the carbuerators. Put start switch and battery in. Fueled it up and it started. Synced the carbs.The problem is the charging system. It starts out charging maybe 12.5 volts. But after it starts and warms up for a while. It starts declining. If I rev to about 3-4000 RPMs it will carge at 12-13 volts. But at idle after it warms up 10 volts maybe. I ohmed out the alternator and it is about .5 ohm higher than the book says. I checked the rectifier with a diode tester and it checked out fine. I checked the regulator and even tried another one and that turned out good. With this bike setting in the weather as long as it did there was a lot of rust and corrosion involved. I cleaned all of the connections and that didn't seem to help either. I am open to any other suggestions you might have. Thanks JOE

Hi Joe.
 It looks like you either have a short in the charging system wiring, or the stator coil is failing, or both.  

Check the wiring with a multimeter, not just visually, as most shorts are not visible.

If you find no shorts, then replae the stator coil.  Most likely, it is failing anyway.

Good luck.