Motorcycle Repair: 1978 Honda twin star., ebay auctions, honda shop

I have a 1978 honda twin star I got cheap from a friend. I am looking to fix it up, It requires a new headlight, new ignition switch (by this I mean the thing you put the key in, I don't really know what to call it.) and some new mufflers, as the ones I have are rusted through... It also developed and engine problem that has me baffled. I drove it out to Chicago once, and as it doesn't have a gas gauge, I drove it till it ran dry on the way home... It hasn't started since that day. I don't know if you're familliar with the model, it has only one carb, and it's like 180cc's. It's a little thing, my first motorcycle. I'm looking for some place I can get thses parts for cheap, and or someplace I can have it fixed cheap, and I'd really like to know if the engine problem is anything I could deal with myself. Anything you could let me know would be very helpfull and I appreciate it very much. Thanks for your time.

Ryan, you can't get new Honda parts for "cheap" so I would suggest you look at EBAY auctions or place a wanted ad with the or check classifieds at   

I know the machine and there isn't a lot to them, but you do need to do a checklist to see what the problem is...
Does it still have good compression? 150psi minimum
Does it have spark to the plugs?
Is the battery fully charged? It is a battery powered ignition system.
Is the ignition switch turning the bike ON.
Is the KILL switch ON or OFF?
Is there rust or debris in the bottom of the carburetor float bowl (petcock screen and/or tank)?
I don't know what tools you have or your level of expertise in motorcycle repair, so all I can so is to recommend that you get a repair manual and some tools if you are going to attempt this yourself. Otherwise, look in the yellow pages for an independent repair facility near you who may work cheaper than the local Honda shop.

You could have seized the pistons when you ran it out of gas or if it ran low on oil. If the charging system has failed then you won't get it started with out a fully charged battery. You also have to maintenance on the ignition points, clean, gap and set them to open at the F mark alignment on the flywheel or advancer.

Could be simple or it could be very expensive and complicated...

Bill Silver