QuestionHi I have an 86 Suzuki DR 600. iTs been relatively problem free for years until now. It was running fine then cut out. I have no spark. Ive checked the following
cleaned and gapped spark plugs
contact cleaned most connecters
charged battery
tried another coil assembly
changed fuse
Do you have any advice
Thanks in advance, Jake
AnswerHi Jake,
Sorry to hear that your MC is not working properly. I'll try and help.
I recommend the service manual. It will pay for itself with the first service. The manual has all the specifications needed to conduct tests.
Check pick-up coils for ignition coils. Do simple continuity test. See manual for exact specs on ohms/resistance.
Check spark cap & secondary (high tension) wire of ignition coil. Check primary (small 12v) wire on ignition coil. Is it clean and tightly connected?
Check chasis ground connections. Follow black/negative battery lead to where it connects with frame. Needs to be clean and tight.
Send me your email address as requested and I'll return additional information on electrical testing. Send to my email:
[email protected]
Mark Shively
Dayton, Ohio