Motorcycle Repair: Inch-metric tire conversion, honda cb400t, size tires

Hey Chris whats up. I have a 81 Honda cb400t hawk and its about time for a tire change. The front tire is a 3.6/19 and the back is a 4.1/18. Someone told me to get a 110/90 on both the front and back. Having both tires the same size really don't sound right to me. Any insight from you would be very helpfull. Thanks Alot!

Hi Jim.
 As far as the metric size, I couldn't say for sure, but as far as the same size tires front and rear, It's not unheard of.  My XJ900RK has the same size tires front and rear as do many of the modern race bikes.  Double-check with the shop that does the work.  They could tell you for certain with your bike, if you don't have the repair manual to reference.

Good luck.