Motorcycle Repair: 73 sportster starter, metal fingers, clutch assembly
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Im new to Harley owning. I just bought a 73 sporty last year and had a total engine rebuild performed on it.My starter has recently gone out in it. My questions are, #1 is this something that should be covered by warranty of the h.d. trained mechanic? #2 do you know of an online "how to" that would instruct me on removing and rebuilding the starter myself? Thanks...Mitch
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Generly when a motor is rebuilt the starter is not, unless the person who owns the bike says he wants the starter worked on. SO to answer your question, its probably not.
Now to the starter not working. There are several things that could be wrong besides the starter. What is the bike doing when you try to start it?
Wow! Thanks for the rapid reply. When I engage the starter it makes a "whirring" sound. I've taken the solenoid off,checked it and cleaned the contacts, it works. Today I took off the primary cover and bumped the switch Three times to observe.The gear is not turning once it is kicked out.I realise that this is probably a simple rebuild, but nothing is simple if you dont know what you're doing. I work on my own vehicles but not rebuilding carbs or starters, and when it comes to my first scoot I'm scared I'll really screw something up. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank's again ...Mitch
AnswerYour starter gear is bad and needs replaced. You will have ot remove the clutch assembly and the motor sprocket gear to get to it. The gear sits on a shaft and has to be removed from it. Looking at it you will see two metal fingers that hold it in. They will hav eot be removed and then it just slides out.
Good luck and happy riding