QuestionHOw can i put a 150cc 4 stroke piston on a 125 cc
is it possible or not and please give me advice how can i make my bike run fast please give me a repair guide of any 4 stroke engine free
This is absolutely the strangest question I have ever received. But I will try to answer as best I can.
1. You have not told me what kind of bike you have.
2. In general, a piston for a 125cc engine can be replaced only with the same kind. The piston must be sized to fit in the bore.
3. How do you define "run fast"? Unless you have a lot of money to throw away, you are not going to go 150 miles per hour on a 125cc bike. The best you can do is keep your bike in tune unless you are an experienced mechanic.
4. I can not give you any repair guides, because I have to pay for them myself. Copyright laws prevent me from copying anything and sending it to you. Why don't you go to a local book store and see if they have one on the shelf you can study.
5. I am here to help. That's my job. But if you do not have a specific question about a specific British motorcycle there is not much I can do for you.