Motorcycle Repair: Bleeding brakes, bleeding brakes, honda rebel

1986 Honda rebel. Am having trouble bleeding the
front brake. I am only getting a couple of drops
of fluid from the bleeder screw. I have tried
several different ways of holding the lever etc.
Thanks Chris.

Hi Scott.
 Don't take this the wrong way, but I am about to ask a couple really stupid questions.

When you open the bleeder screw, are you compressing the brake lever then immediately tightening the bleeder screw before releasing the lever?

Are you opening the bleeder screw at least 1/3 turn?

I know it sounds stupid, but you would be amazed at the number of people who really have no idea as to the proper proceedures for what seems to be the simplest maintainence proceedures.

If you are doing both of those things, then the only thing that it could be is that you either need to rebuild the master cylinder or there is blockage in the line.  Most likely, it will be the master cylinder rather than a blockage.

Check that out and see what happens.
Good luck.