Motorcycle Repair: kawasaki ninja, kawasaki ninja, honda hurricane

hi i wrote you last year about a 600 honda hurricane i recently sold it and bought a 1987 kawasaki ninja zx750 just wondering if u know if it a good bike or what should i look for ty  

Hi Joe.
 I would love to say some nasty things about the Ninja, but I can't.  The ZX750 is a very nice bike.  I have known a lot of guys that have had them, but there is one thing that I do recall about all Kawi's is that they often deelop oil leaks from engine side covers on the low side, mostly.
 The thing to do with that is to just check the bolts every few days and make sure that they are properly tightened.  Pulling them and using a bit of threadlock to reinstall them may work out really well also.

Have fun.