Motorcycle Repair: 81 honda cx deluxe 500 electric start, honda cx, starter fluid
Questionchris is there a way to get a bike started to see if its worth restoring when its got spark,gas,and strong starter power (good battery and good starter)the bike just wont start
AnswerHi Hector.
If the bike has been sitting and had gas in it when it was last parked, then the carbs have to be removed, disassembled and cleaned before the bike will even try to start.
The best and easiest way to see if it will fire up is to spray some automotive starter fluid into the air intake and start the bike. If it fires up, it will run for a moment or two and then die. That will tell you if the rest of the bike is worth the investment for a restoration project. Either way, the carbs must be properly cleaned as well as resealing the tank to keep any more varnish from getting in and ruining the clean carbs.
Good luck.