Nissan Repair: 1999 Quest rearview mirror passenger side
Triangle (with manglin
QUESTION: Regarding replacing that mirror - I started to toy with that triangular plastic piece. The top snap released very easily, but the base of the triangle seems to be firmly attached under the door trim. Before experimenting with some vertical force on the triangle I thought it best to touch base with you. I also tried removing the one screw in the door panel below the triangle, but things are still tight. Should I increase some upward pull on the triangle once the top snap is released or am I headed towards having to replace that triangle if I do???
ANSWER: Hi Bruce -
Sorry for the late reply.
I believe the door panel has to be removed to remove the triangle if I am not mistaken. Each model/year may be a little different, so please bear with me.
LMK how it goes -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Door panel was easy to take off; instead of disconnecting the electrical connectors to the window switches and lock it was easier to just remove the two screws that held it to the plastic. Took a little fighting to figure out the electrical connector to the mirror, but if I just apply a standard screw driver to the part that inserts where the lock mechanism is, it pops right apart. All went easy - thanks!
On a somewhat distant related note, do you know of a good parts cross reference out there? Sure would be handy...
AnswerHi Bruce -
You are welcome. Live and learn. I am still learning after 40 years.
Anyway, try this Nissan forum site. Lots of good information and I bet you can find a cross reference site as well by asking these guys -
Thank you -