Nissan Repair: Nissan p12 transmission problems

QUESTION: my car would drive normal on mornings after one hour of driving the car would shift into a low gear by it self.Iwould then pull over cut of the engine wait about five minutes and start but when i pull off the car would go to a high gear and drive very lazy can you help me

ANSWER: Hi David -

Is your check engine light on?
If so, I will need the OBD code number so we can go to the next step -


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no my check engine light is not on

Hi David

Looks like you need a transmission overhaul.

Before doing that though, ensure the oil is at the proper level. If it is, inspect it for the right color (should be red, not brown), and smell it to check if the oil is burnt (caused by trans slippage).

If you have not changed the oil within the last 20,000 miles, might want to do that before the overhaul.

Hope this helps -