QuestionI have a nissan altima. It will not run right,it will not stay charging.I have changed
Altenaters,batteries. I have cleaned battery cables and changed altenator wiring
Connecters. The cars altenator will charge at 14.00 on a voltage meter.until you
Turn the car off. When you turn the car back on, the car will not be charging.
1996......2.4 liter... 4 cyclinder oh, I also changed the battei
ry glass top fuse under
The hood. I dont know for the life of me,whats wrong with this car. Im n
AnswerHi Dwayne
Have you tried checking voltage under load? Start the engine, check battery voltage, turn on head lights, then check voltage again.
There may be a loose connection somewhere. I know you checked the obvious, but perhaps the fusible link connection in that black box on the fender well?