QuestionQUESTION: i have a 92 nissan pickup that has a leaky reservior what will it take to fix the reservior
ANSWER: Hi Gail -
I am assuming that this is either the coolant reservoir or winshield washer. Either one, the best way is to replace the entire unit.
It usually leaks from the outlet at the bottom of the reservoir where the hose connects, or the top gets cracked from the heat of the engine. Sometimes you can repair it by removing the reservoir (one or 2 bolts), carefully removing the hoses, cleaning the suirface thoroughly and using an epoxy type sealer to patch it up.
However being that your vehicle is over 10 years old, I would just replace the enitre assembly.
Hope this helps =
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: its a clutch reservior that is leaking at the firewall what is needed to possibly fix
AnswerHi Gail -
OK. I was not sure what you were referring to.
If the clutch master is leaking between the firewall and the master, the clutch master assembly will need to be replaced.
Sometimes the overhaul kit is avaiable which just contains the inner seals, so all you have to do is remove the C clip behind the master and the rod can come out revealing the seals. If you go this route, check the bore first ensuire it is not damaged.
Hope this helps -