Nissan Repair: 2004 nissan frontier v6 air conditioner.not working, 2004 nissan frontier, nissan frontier
QuestionMy air conditioner stopped working all of a sudden. Fan still blows air but after pusing the button to start the ac nothing happens. The clutch does not engage no pop no click no joy. I leaning twoards a,simple relay or super low on refridgerant. But i also noticed one of the back lights on,the selector switch panel is out but the switching still functions properly. possibly a coincedence or leading to an electrical gremlin. Any ideas before i waste 100bucks on a relay from nissan as a guess?
AnswerHi Dustin -
The most common cause for this is low refrigerant. This can be easily checked with a manifold, if you don't have one, then an A/C shop. You will need them to recharge the A/C anyway, and to check for leaks. Just recharging the A/C is normally a temporary fix.
As for the relay, it can be checked, so there is no guesswork. First, confirm that there is voltage to one lead with ignition on. There should be a wiring diagram directly on the relay which tells you which wire will have power once the A/C switch is energized. If there is no power to the relay at all, then check the main fuses in the engine compartment on the fenderwell.
Hope this helps -