Nissan Repair: loss of power, mass airflow sensor, firing order
QuestionMy sons car is a 92 sentra witha a GA16DE engine. It has lost power, as in when step on the gas its not very responsive (no power)its also sounds like its missing out. It has good gas flow through fuel filter, and spark at all plugs. What is your opinion that could be wrong starting with the obvious first, please. Thank-you, Robert
AnswerHi, first, are we getting any trouble codes, is the CEL on? A Mass Airflow Sensor that has failed is one possibility. Others are, failed TPS, obstructed catalytic converter, late valve timing,(timing belt have jumped a tooth), late ignition timing, which will also cause the motor to run hot and incorrect firing order. First, please let me know if there are any trouble codes. If there's an Autozone parts store in your area, they can connect a scanner tool for free and read the trouble codes. Let me know.