Nissan Repair: Air Flow Control Dial not working, air flow control, nissan sentra
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2004 Nissan Sentra 1.8, yesterday when I try to turn the dial to the defrost position(at this moment is stuck on the vent position) the dial was very easy to turn. What could be wrong? What is the part/parts called what needs to be fix with? thanks for any help.
ANSWER: Hi Rositta -
Looks like the linkage broke behind the panel. The vents are controlled by several links attached to the dial. Remove the panel behind this dial and you should see the problem.
Hope this helps -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What is the part name? So when I go to the auto part store I know what to ask for.
AnswerHi Rositta -
This depends on what is broken. It could be the link, or a bushing, or it also could be the diverter is stuck. The only way to find out is to remove the outer panel to reveal the components behind and see what needs replacement. If you take a photo once the panel is off, I may be able to determine what is wrong. It is always hard to diagnose sight unseen - thanks