Nissan Repair: 1980 280ZX, coolant temp, nissan maxima

QUESTION: I read the article "Nissan Repair/1995 Nissan Maxima Misfiring" answered by Von Sudderth - 10/20/2010.  Hoping it might shed some light on a similar problem I am having with my ZX.  I checked the ECU, but no window or LCD lights.  I have changed the coolant temp sensor, fuel filter, distributor, ignition control module, plugs, wires, EGR valve, thermostat and checked out the vacuum system.  The ZX starts excellent but once it has warmed up it idles erradically.  When I hold the rpm at 2000 it drops 1000 then jumps back up and down.  When I try to take it for a drive it misfires loses power.
Could you possibly help me out with this problem please??

Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi Greg -

Can you tell me if your engine light is on, and if so, what is the code?

Thank you -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no, that was part of my question, there is no diagnostic port or lcd window in the ecu to code read the car.

Hi Greg -

I apologize. For some reason I only saw "1995 Maxima" Did not read your heading.

Anyway, I did not see fuel pump on your list. Have you replaced that? I just repaired a vehicle with the same issues, and it was the fuel pump causing all that. Gets worse when the engine warms up.

Hope this helps -