QuestionQUESTION: Dear Sir, onTuesday, the 11th of May, my mechanic replaced #1's fuel injector, due to the missing& shaking. I had not driven the car in April due back issues however, I did start it every other day. Upon picking up my car on Tuesday, he told me to drive it for a few days and if that did not resolve the issue I may need a computer. I checked the other 3 by pulling the "rod" out as well as the #1. The remaining. 3 made the engine sound differently, but #1 did not change. I am not aware of any diagnostic " trouble shooting" by mechanic as I did not stay w/ vehicle. My question is this if he hooked up the vehicle to read an error code wouldn't that tell him what is the issue? As in an o- ring, ignition, vacuum leak issue? I paid $225.00 and the vehicle runs the same way- please advise.
ANSWER: Hi Tabitha -
Yes, you are correct. Ther error codes are the key to accurate diagnostics. You paid over $200 and car runs the same, something is rotten in Denmark. I would definitely take it back and demand that the mechanic check it again, at no cost.
If you can please give me the codes that were displayed. Do you know what he did for the $225? The most common cause of the car missing would display code that means "engine misfire", which would mean an ignition coil, wire, or spark plug. MAybe injector. However any one of those should be far from $225.
Please let me know what was done and we can go from there.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Calvin, I returned to the shop today and the mechanic says he diagnosed the problem with an OHM meter! He also stated the 'computer ' scenario again. No codes to tell you of because this is all he used. Yes , $225.00!!! Told me to bring it back on Monday morning I will and I plan on staying w/ my vehicle. I stopped at a local gas/ repair shop on the way home the other day. The mechanic there pulled #1's plastic looking stick out and the motor did not change it's idle, he respectively pulled 2-4, and the idle DID change. All spark plugs sparked and, the wires are fine. My mechanic also told me today that it could be a burned wire at the computer, or DRIVER in the computer. Says he doesn't buy re- built parts and the chances of the fuel injector he replaced is NOT LIKELY. I recorded this Bozo as he is INSISTING that he KNOWS w/ out checking, the fuel injector he replaced is good. Then he back tracked and says he will OHM it Monday. I contacted the BBB , and they are sending papers in the mail. I am at this Bozo's mercy he already has my money and the car is still not running correctly. Have you ever heard of the driver in the computer re- setting itself? He told me to drive it for a few days to see if it would- it did NOT!
Thank you,
ANSWER: Hi Tabitha -
I answered you from my phone, but maybe you did not get it. Sorry.
Yes, sounds like a BOZO to me too!
OK, first - what was the method that was used to check spark? Are you saying that there is spark at the #1 plug or no? If that was not checked then I can tell you a simple way. Just let me know
second - If there is spark at the #1 plug, highly unlikely it is the computer or related components.
third - simple test to check the injector. Get a long screwdriver, start the engine, and hold the end of the screwdriver to the injector. Hold your ear against the end of the handle and listen. If the injector is working, you can hear it clicking. Like a stethoscope.
It is obvious that there is an issue with #1 cylinder. Either it is not firing, or not getting fuel. Testing the above will get us closer to the answer. A good mechanic should know the steps to take.
Let me know -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Calvin, the mechanic pulled out each "plastic rod" at each cylinder and scrapped it against the metal of the thing that holds the oil. (Where the oil actually goes in- I cannot think of the name - manifold? It has a gasket inside) anyway he checked all four in this manner and they all sparked. It is raining and dark here but I will chech it tomorrow like you instructed and let you know what I hear or do not hear.
Please tell me how to check the spark plugs as well even though I saw all 4 produce one. Thank you!
AnswerHi Tabitha -
The spark plugs are checked the same way. First remove all the spark plugs. Then, one by one with the plug out, attach the spark plug wire to it. Hold the metal part of the plug against any metal surface of the car and crank the engine. You should see a spark jump between the electrodes. Do not touch any metal surface while doing this.
Let me know the results of your other tests -
Hope this helps -