QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
I have a 1999.5 3.3L 5sp pathfinder with 341900km. In the last two weeks, I've had trouble with 1st gear. After putting it in first gear and releasing the clutch it seems to jump out sometimes and grinds the gears. If I am stopped on an incline, good luck, its tough to get it going. Any help on what this could be and how much I could expect to pay to fix it?
ANSWER: Hi Rob -
Have you ever replaced the clutch plate, disc and bearing? If so when was the last time?
If the engine is revving and the car is not going anywhere, looks like the clutch is out, especially in first gear.
Hope this helps -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes, I had the clutch and related parts changed back in 2006. I put on about 160,000 km since. I don't have any slipping in fifth/fourth gears.
I am concerned that maybe the sychros and/or maybe first gear is worn out? Its seems that first gear more easily pops out of gear when I touch the clutch...a bit more sensitive that I recall.
ANSWER: Hi Rob -
OK, I am sorry, I did not catch that it was popping out of gear. My bad.
Could be the synch. Usually when it grinds trying to put it in gear it is the synch. Is this what happens? I know you said it is grinding too.
If so then yes, your transmission will have to be serviced.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Calvin,
I am not having any problem putting it into 1st gear, its just that when I let out the clutch the truck moves ahead abit but then 1st gear pops out and then I grinding then sometimes if I am trying to keep it in 1st gear.
Seems like I'll have to replace the transmission vs rebuilding.
AnswerHi Rob -
Rebuilding would solve the problem. During the overhaul components that are worn, such as the synch, certain gears, bushings, worn shafts, etc are replaced. So you will be good to go. The trick is finding a reputable repair shop.
Hope this helps -