Nissan Repair: 1992 XE 4x4 pathfinder question, pivot button, trickle charger
QuestionI am new to 4x4's and was wondering if anyone could tell me what the two buttons on the right side of the steering wheel on the dash are for. one is a button that balances/pivots to either side with a double or one inside another red triangle on one side and nothing on the other. the other says POWER in top to bottom letters on the left side and AUTO on the right - and inside of that frame is the balance/pivot button and on the right side is E ( then a dash - ) and on the other side is AT . can someone tell me what they engage once flipped to one side or the other?
also I will not be driving this Pathfinder for about 6 months starting around now in bc canada. we get mild winters ( hovering around zero or below about
- 5 for 2 or 3 weeks ). is there a good timeframe for starting the engine once every "_____________" ? anything else I can do for brake lines or anything else? how long would I have to run the engine to give the battery a charge for example?
From what you write and my memory, the first button is the flasher? The second is the power setting for the transmission. If incorrect, please let me know.
I would drive the vehicle once a week as a minimum. Depending how cold it is going to get where you are you might want to bleed the brakes to make sure there is no water down by the wheel cylinders. Also, make sure the anti-freeze is in good order. If left outside you might want to look at a trickle charger for the battery.