Nissan Repair: 1999 pathfinder 3.3L tensioner spring, proper tension, tight belt


I changed my timing belt, water pump, thermostat and tensioner and all other belts. I believe I may have installed the tensioner with the spring not resting against the stud and instead may be facing down. Is this possible and what are the risks I face driving the pathy in the short/long run? I did tighten the tensioner bolt quite tight.

I am guessing I'll have to retake everything apart again to ensure the spring is installed correctly?

Thanks for your advice.


The spring is supposed to apply the proper tension against the belt prior to tightening down the bolt.  If you have a tight belt, as in you applied pressure to tension it?  Supposedly, the spring applies enough tension to allow for proper tightness.  Then, the bolt gets tightened and all is well.