Nissan Repair: engine swap, g35 infinity, subtle nuances
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2006 g35 infinity with a vq35de can I swap a 2007 vq40de[out of a frontier] in its place
ANSWER: Robert,
Not without major rework to the harness, computer change out and the mounts and connectors. Also, you would have to live in a place where the SMOG police do not care...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: well the heads on a vq35de have a different depth than the vq40de I can get around that ok but are you sure the blocks are the same This install I have a feeling is going to be a pain in my #$%. Also I dont have the vq35 out yet but they both were running auto transmissions the bell housing on both are removable I hope that they will interchange but I wont have a clue untill I pull the G35 engine out.
Dimensionally they are the same and it should fit. There are subtle nuances of how things connect. The big thing here is going to be the computer. You have a 3.5 and you are going up to a 4.0 and that is going to result in operations outside the computers operating parameters. You will need to have the computer custom burned to accommodate the half a liter of extra volume. Technosquare is one source that reprograms Nissan computers. Another option would be a piggyback computer to trick yours into thinking it was the same old 3.5 liter. AEM makes such a system. The best choice it the use of a Consult III computer that lets you go into the factory fuel map and advance curve along with other parameters to fine tune your system.