QuestionQUESTION: someone crashed onto the front of my car now the bar that goes from side to side above the radiator and headlights is bend so how do i straighten it or repair it or what do i need to do? thank u
ANSWER: Hi Alex -
The best way to straighten that is to remove it and bend it out. However, if that brace is bent, my question is what else is? It takes a lot to get to that brace to bend it, and I think there are other components that need to be straightened. How about the front grille, hood latch, and bumper bracket?
Hope this helps -
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QUESTION: yes the hood is also bend and the bumper is too grill is brocken headlight broken and indicator too i really apreciate you help regards alex
ANSWER: Hi Alex -
yes, all these things need to be replaced, repaired, or straightened for everything to be back to normal. if you do not have the porper tools, best thing to do is go ahead and take it to a reputable body shop. If someone crashed into you, then through your deductable insurance claim, you should be able to get it all fixed with just paying your deductable.
Hope this helps -
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QUESTION: ok thanks what actually happend was, my car was parked outside work and when i came out to go home thats how i found it. ive looked for witnesses and cant find any so i dont know weather i should report it to insurance cause they might class it as if its my fault and then affect my premium for next year what happens in this case?
AnswerHi Alex -
Here in Hawaii, we have a no-fault law, where not matter who is to blame, it does not matter in the eyes of insurance. We just pay the deductible. I do not know what your local policies are. I would read your policy, or make a call and find out.
The repair sounds expensive if you are to pay for it yourself. Do you know what your deductible is?