Nissan Repair: 1994 nissan maxima, volt ohm meter, nissan maxima
Questioni have to ask you how do i fix my car the temp and fule guages dont work my mother trashed my car than gave it back i replaced the trans by my self all i need to know is how to fix it
If the temperature and fuel gauge do not work I would first check the temperature sensor by having someone ground the connector while the key is in the on position. If the gauge moves replace the sensor, if not replace the gauge. The fuel gauge is more difficult since you have to get to the sending unit to check it. You could pull the instrument cluster and get a volt ohm meter and check the terminals by switching the key on and back probing the two terminals that feed information to the gauge. Same thing applies to how to get it to read. I would almost bet the cluster is going out since it is a 1994 and this is 2010. They do tend to fail after ten or more years.