Nissan Repair: 2001 Nissan Xterra Speedometer stopped working all of the sudden, vehicle speed sensor, nissan xterra


I recently changed the terminal end on the positive battery cable of my Xterra.  When doing so I tapped the wrench against the metal battery hold downs and it sparked maybe 2-3 times.  Before doing this my speedometer was working fine, never have had a problem and have owned since 2002.  Now the speedometer just sits at 0, the tach and odo work just fine.  There are no other problems with the SUV, it is in great shape.  The CEL is not lit and i used my code scanner to check and there are no codes stored.  PLEASE HELP!!!  Are there any fuses or relays I can check?   I looked at a bunch of the fuses and all the possibilities according to my mind looked ok.


There are fuse links at the positive battery terminal.  If one of these is blown that could be the problem.  But, since it is only the speedometer I would first check the vehicle speed sensor and if that does not correct the problem replace the speedometer.  Your scanner should pick up the vehicle speed.  If there is no speed it is the VSS.  If there is speed then it is the speedometer.