Nissan Repair: Nissan Quest liftgate, nissan quest, putty knife
QuestionMy 2008 Nissan Quest liftgate does not open electrically. I hear the motor runnuning smoothly as it opens or closes, but the strut seems to be disengaged. How can this be re-attached? Where can I find manuals to show how to remove and reinstall the panels?
AnswerHi Tony -
When you say strut, do you mean the hydraulic door support? has that come off its mount, or is the mount itself broken?
The panels are removed by unsnapping them at the clips inside the panel. Use a putty knife and carefully pry under the panel sections, and you will see where the clips are. You will have to remove all hardware, such as the pull handle beforehand.
I think you can get a schematic on line at
Hope this helps -