Nissan Repair: a/c, fan speed, couple of minutes

okay fan was working on 4 only but air was working great.i changed the resistor for the fan so now works on all 4 only mind for the air.the air will blow cold for a couple of minutes and then compressor will kick off on fan setting if i turn the fan setting down to 3,2,or 1.the compressor kicks back in and starts cooling again.

Hi William -

Yes, now I understand what is happening. I was a bit confused.

Now, have you taken the pressure readings? This is an important component of the process, to see if there is a difference in pressure when you go to speed 4, as opposed to the other speeds. Please take them and let me know.

So, when you set the fan speed on 3, 2 or 1, it will cool all the time (meaning no short cycling, no cut off), as long as you don't switch it to speed 4?
