QuestionQUESTION: 2004 Nissan Maxima 3.5 auto. I have a gear box problem. The shift will not move from park to reverse or from drive back to park (foot brake on) without using the release button (above park.) This issue has been intermittent. Sometimes the gear shift works normally for a week or two then the problem occurs - currently, for at least a week. One mechanic suggested I am not using the correct foot brake-parking brake sequence (fouling the sensors (?)), others have suggested there is a solenoid problem (brake lights go on when foot brake is pressed) or a shift lock controller problem. Appreciate your advice. Terry G
ANSWER: Terry,
Either the switch on the brake pedal is defective or the solenoid is dirty/sticky or defective. I have disassembled the shifter and cleaned the solenoid and then reassembled and that corrected the problem. On others I have had to replace one or the other. Get a test light and do some probe work by disconnecting the shift lock solenoid and then pres the brake and see if there is power. No power means the switch. Power means the solenoid.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the very useful diagnostic. I take it, from what you and I have said, that pressing the brake, as is (brake lights work) is not a sufficient test because power from the switch to the solenoid might be out, i.e. as you say the switch, possibly, is the prob?
My main question though is about manuals. Would you recommend the Haynes Repair Manual (1993-2004 Nissan Maxima)
which can be purchased on line.
Tradebit also offers a (cheap) pdf which looks promising -
Incidentally,the solenoid unit, here, is $300-$400!
Many thanks
Terry G
You could disassemble the shifter and depress the button and then screw a screw into it to keep it depressed. The only issue is the car can be shifted out of park without the key. The solenoid is a safety feature. is the place to get the factory service manuals. It costs $20 bucks to get information off the site. That is one hour of access to download the pdf files you need. You will have to setup an account first and then provide them a credit card so you can get to the manuals you need for your car. But, for $20 you can get all of the information you require for your car.