Yesterday, I paid the repair shop to replace my radiator, lower radiator hose, bypass hose, thermometer and gasket. and flush my coolant. I checked that all the repairs were completed (that the equipment in my car was actually new) and found that the shop had not replaced the bypass hose, although they had charged me for it. They promptly made that repair as I watched, but the one thing I forgot to check was that the thermometer and gasket were new.
I am not knowledgeable about cars, so I can't find the thermometer and gasket although I looked once I got home. I can't find it. I would feel much better if you could help direct me to the location so that I can atleast check that it is in fact new (I am hoping I can tell at this point that it looks new) and that at least they replaced it.
I feel as though I get shafted a lot because I don't know about cars, so I try to be extra vigilant. Yesterday once again proved my point. I have been searching the internet for pictures, but I can't find any.
Thank you.
AnswerHi Antonia -
I think you mean to say the thermostat and gasket. This is located inside a housing at the end of the radiator hose. you would have to remove the radiator hose and then the outlet housing to get to this thermostat. I did not get the year, make and model/engine size of your vehicle so i cannot give you more specifics. Some cars have the outlet on the upper hose, while others have it at the bottom hose.
I think you can find it, look at the end of each hose on the engine side and the one that has a housing to fit this thermostat is where you want to check.
It is a round device about 1 - 2 inches diameter, copper, cone shaped at one end.
Hope this helps -