QuestionQUESTION: Yes its me again. I have the Nissan Hardbody 2005 model 3.0TDI, 199000k's on the clock. My car jerks at 3000rpm in second and 3rd gear it seems as if it looses power or miss fuel feed.
I have replaced the Turbo, Diesel Injectors, Reconned the Diesel Pump and replaced the booster chip. The technician say that all performance equip has now been done the next thing he recons is to look at a timing chain if I am not mistaken. He showed me a picture of a chain with a master link and two other important links.
Is he on the right track? I have spent so much money on this car and it is still not right.
I would be hard pressed to think the timing chain could cause the jerking you describe. The chain would have to be really loose. Now, it could be; but, I would have it verified as to what the specifications say for allowable stretch. I would be more inclined to think the waste gate for the turbo was defective or the fuel pressure was out of tolerance. I would really check the fuel pressure to see what it is doing before I tore into a perfectly good engine.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I know they did replaced and checked the waste gate and I am sure they did the fuel pressure I will just have to verify that.
My car boosts sometimes with power and then drops and boosts again. I am very thankful for your help.
OK, if it is boosting and that is causing the surge I would have them verify the waste gate and the vacuum lines as well as the controller to the waste gate. It is electronic and controls when the waste gate opens and closes along with the vacuum controller.