Nissan Repair: Carb ports, canister purge valve, carburetor

Nissan Repair: Carb ports, canister purge valve, carburetor
Extra carb ports
I need some help with my carb. We (me and my dad) are in the final stages of rebuilding our 81 720 pickup (z22 man. trans, FYI), and
while putting it together, I looked at the carb and noticed some extra ports on the carb. I noticed it when my dad bought the carb to
replace the old one, but me and my dad thought nothing of it and just plugged them up. Since we have been working on the engine I
keep seeing the carb and I always wonder what they are. I hope someone can help, if you need numbers or anything, if you tell me where
to look I can get them. I really have no idea what brand or anything, because like I said, my dad bought it a few years ago.


These are vent ports.  If you have the canister purge valve vent that would hook up to the hose with the bolt. The other one is much the same and would be used to provide filtered air to a component.  If your truck did not have them on the original carburetor you should have no problem leaving them plugged.