Nissan Repair: altima coolant, prestone coolant, upper radiator hose
QuestionQUESTION: 03 nissan altima 2.5sl
can i use any prestone coolant anti freeze fluid for my coolant system? the manual saids genuine nissan but would others work?
ANSWER: Hi Frank
Your answer is yes. Use approximately a 50/50 mixture of coolant to water in your system. Yoo strong of a mix will leave deposits in your radiator.
Hope this helps -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i need to fush out the coolant system, how can i do it?
AnswerHi Frank -
The best way is to have it reversed flushed at a radiator shop. Water is forced back through the upper hose backwards through the engine. This removes all the rust deposits and sediment from the bottom of the engine.
If you want to do it yourself, you can - Engine must be cold. Remove the thermostat. Remove the upper radiator hose, and stick a garden hose inside. Run the water until the water becomes clear. Remove the lower radiator hose to drain out most of the water and replace with the coolant mixture. This method, however is not as effective as the power flush described above.
Hope this helps -