QuestionQUESTION: Is an ac compressor on a 95 200sx supposed to cut on and off or run constantly? i think i have a wiring problem because i only get fire from one side of my ac relay. Had 2 of these cars and they have both had the same symptoms. i was gonna try a toggle switch but don't wana mess up the compressor.
ANSWER: Hi Chris -
Yes, don't use a direst switch. You will not only ruin the compressor, but you will also lock out all the safety systems.
If the compressor turns off and on while engaged, it is "short cycling". Reason for this is probably low on freon. Take it to a competent mechanic and you should be fine.
Hope this helps -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Any tips on why i only get fire from one side of my of my ac relay? Would like to try and fix myself. If i cant i will just have to take it to a shop.
AnswerHi Chris -
I will need to see a wiring diagram for the system. Could be because the compressor is short cycling, could be that one of the sensors is defective.
When the compressor short cycles, do you have power on/off/on/off on the relay as well?
Let me know