Nissan Repair: 1993 Nissan Hardbody 4cyl auto wont start, nissan hardbody, light probe
Question1993 hardbody with aftermarket alarm. battery 3months old. went to start it today and nothing. turn key and nothing. has power still lights all work and alarm l.e.d.s work as well. could it be a bettery issue or something else? if so what could it be?
AnswerHi Andrew -
First, try starting the car with the head lights on. If the lights suddenly go dom or out, then the battery will need replacing, or there are loose terminals.
If not, then it could be the starter. You will need a circuit tester light probe type. Check power at the larger wire going to the starter. Should have power at all times. If not, then check the fusible link, or large circuit fuses in the engine compartment on the fenderwell. Also check battery terminals for tightness and connection. The have someone try to start the car while you check the smaller wire going to the starter, should have power only while trying to start. If there is power, then replace the starter. If there is no power, then replace ignition switch.
Hope this helps -