Nissan Repair: 1998 Nissan 200SX drive funny, oil pressure switch, nissan 200sx
QuestionQUESTION: My car sat for about a month not moving until I got the fuel filter and distributor replaced. Now the car drives OK but seems to shift at higher RPM's than it did before and if I stop at an intersection and turn right or left the car has NO pickup while in the turn or immediately after the turn. I don't get any pickup until sometime after that. What could the issue be?
I would first do a tuneup and that means changing the sparkplugs, wires and distributor cap. If you had the cap replaced with the distributor then that is good. I would check for codes. If you have a check engine light you can get the codes read for free at Autozone or Checker. Email me back and let me know what you find.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Well, the plugs and wires are new, the distributor and cap have been replaced, fuel filter is new and the air filter is clean. I drove it for a while today and on the trip home the low oil pressure light flickered on when would hit the brake to slow to a stop. The check engine light is not on at the moment. My brother said when he moved the car after the fuel filter was replaced he heard a clunking noise and thought it was the e-brake popping since it was on for a slant for about a month.
Nissan uses the oil pressure switch to prevent the fuel pump from running when the vehicle is inverted. As a safety system. It sounds like your oil pressure sensor is messing up and that is probably providing bad information to the computer and that is causing the issue you describe. I would replace the oil pressure switch.