Nissan Repair: Tachometer stops, nissan sentra, oxygen sensor

QUESTION: On my 2000 Nissan Sentra the tachometer works fine around town, but stops when I reach highway speeds and doesn't work again until I shut the car off. The speedometer always works. When the tach stops working, the engine cuts out for about a second, then whenever I have to stop the car stalls and has to turn over longer than normal to start. Can it be the speed sensor if the speedometer still works? If so, where is it located and can I change it myself? THANKS!

ANSWER: Hi Wayne -

The speed sensor is located on the transmission.  Front wheel drive so it is on the drivers side under the hood.  Look at the back of the transmission down from the firewall and you should see the connector.  If you purchase the new one you will know what it looks like.

Is your Check engine light on?

If your Check engine light is not on, I do not think it is that sensor, as any malfunction for any sensor will cause that light to come on.

What i would check first are your ignition wires, especially the coil wire(s). Ensure all connections are tight and corrosion free. Could also be the igntion module in the distributor. I am sorry i cannot be more specific, but becuase I cannot be right in front of the car and the problem is intermittent we have to take the best guess.

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply. I'll check the wires. The check engine light was already on b/c of the oxygen sensor on the exhaust, which I have chosen not to replace.   I might just go ahead and replace the sensor. First though, I would like to verify that even though the speedometer works, the sensor could still be the problem for the tach. Tks!

Hi Wayne -

The answer to your question is yes, even if the Speedo is working, the speed sensor could still be defective, as the speedometer and speed sensor works separately.

However, you might want to take a diagnostic of the engine light once again. There may be multiple codes that will help determine what is really wrong. I think Autozone does that for free.

Hope this helps -