Nissan Repair: 1998 Nissan Pick Up Truck Shifting Gears, switching gears, shifting gears
Question1998 Nissan Pick Up, Manual 5sp, 2 wheel drive, Recently replaced Instrument panel and speed sensor. Starting approximately 2 weeks ago, intermittently will not go into gear. When it does not go into gear, pressing the gas pedal (and clutch), revving the engine, it will then go into gear. Traveling down the road, not switching gears, the engine revs but does not pick up speed. Yesterday heard a crunch sound for the first time. Need clutch? Other problems which might exist? If clutch needs replaced, does transmission have to be remove to replace the clutch?
Sounds like you need to replace the clutch. Shop around for a shop and ask friends their experience with them. Go with a proven shop to avoid problems. Also, the pressure plate, throw out bearing and pilot bushing/bearing should be replaced. Now, since it is over ten years old I would have them change the transmission grease with a good synthetic 85W90 fluid as well as make sure the master and slave cylinders are both good and that the fluid gets changed with a good DOT 3 fluid.