Nissan Repair: 94 Altima a/c, auto parts stores, lysol
QuestionCan you tell me how to get rite of my mildew smell on my a/c every time i turn the a/c or put it on the ventilation mode i get that smell
Auto parts stores sell an aerosol that you spray in the return of the air-conditioner system and it will kill the mold and eliminate the smell. Lysol will work but you do not want to be in the car until the Lysol smell goes away. You run the car and the blower on high and under the passenger side of the dash is the air return. Put the system on recycle and spray. But, keep your face away from the vents since the spray will come out and you do not want to get it in your lungs on on you. Leave the car running, blower on, windows open until the strong smell goes away. Usually, five or ten minutes will do and then the car will be clean smelling again.