QUESTION: hey its scott again, they wouldnt let me ask another follow up question so i checked and there is nothing to hook up to that area. there is on the 98 engine but not this one so am i jacked ? :/
and in the picture i have 3 fuel lines on the top of the intake but one doesnt have anything on here that i can find am i screwed? also do u know anywhere that shows the diagram of the fuel lines cuz in the repair model there is nothing
ANSWER: Scott,
Make a port on the air intake feed and plug the vacuum line into it. That should correct that problem. On the three hoses two are fuel and the other is the canister purge vent line and that hooks to the intake at a vacuum port. Basically, that third line allows fuel vapor to be sucked into the intake rather than venting it to the atmosphere. You will need a T to connect if your intake does not have an entry point. Or, you could take the old intake manifold and install it on this engine. A T for another inlet is much easier.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: k i started her up and it runs kinda smoothly but i need to get a tune up. my question is when i turn the key after she starts up the RPM and MPH gauges arent moving? anything on this?
ANSWER: Scott,
If the RPMS are not moving you need to check the tach test lead.
If the MPH is not working check the vehicle speed sensor connection.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: ok checked em but now nothing on the inside of cab works along wit those so could it just b a fuse, also takin it for a test drive the drive axle sounds like it rubbing or something on the wheel side but i think its the metal cover around the roder. i think i bent it when doin the axle switch
now btw thanks for all the help man u were the reason why i was able to get my car goin
Inside power not working could be the positive battery cable and the fuse links that are part of the lead. Check these to make sure the fuse link wires did not pull loose or melt. Also, on the rotor brake shield that could very well be what is rubbing.