Nissan Repair: Problem starting my 96 Nissan sentra gxe, nissan sentra gxe, neutral safety switch

QUESTION: Hello my name is Adrian. I have been having problems with my 96 Nissan sentra gxe. The starter has been changed twice in about 3 months. I purchased the started at autozone. Shortly after replacing the second starter it started to giove trouble again. It would start intermittenly, and now it has not started at all in the last month. I have the car parked in front of my gf's house. The battery and alternator are brand new. Help. Would could it be??

ANSWER: Adrian,

First, take the battery and get it fully charged.  Next, use a length of wire from the positive terminal and touch the small terminal on the battery.  If the car is a manual make sure it s in neutral because if the starter is good it will turn the engine over.  If there is nothing replace the starter.  I have not had good luck with Autozone on starters.  Try Pep Boys as I ahve had good luck with them. Also, you could check to see if the neutral safety switch is going out and that is evidenced by the car starting.  If you shift from park to neutral and hold the ignition key over and it start intermittently then the neutral safety switch would be in need of replacment.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello its Adrian again. I'm sorry but what is the small terminal on the battery? Ur saying I should run a wire from the positive cable with the battery installed fully charged?

Thank you


The small diameter wire would run from the battery to the small terminal on the starter.  The big terminal is already hooked from the positive terminal of the battery to the large terminal of the starter.  The small terminal post on the starter is where power goes to activate the starter.  I am sorry for not being more specific.