Nissan Repair: Intermittent instrument cluster 2004 Sentra, power pins, nissan vehicles

QUESTION: The speedo,odometer,tachometer,fuel gage,temp gage and engine check light seem to loose power intermittently. I have jumpered in a multimeter to the two power pins and the ground at the cluster connectors to see if there is a power or ground loss when fault occurs and there isn't. I removed the cluster to see if could find a bad solder joint or connector but all looks good. I can tap on the cluster when the fault occurs and all the instruments begin to read again. It seems like a loose pin or dry solder joint but as stated before but, I do not see one. At fist it appeared to be heat related but now it is getting worse Nissan said they could fix the problem for $220 but will not tell me what is causing the problem. I have priced out a new cluster at about $150 but I am reluctant to make the purchase until I am certain that the cluster is at fault. your advise would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks Martin Picke.

ANSWER: Martin,

There is a step down tranformer on the back of the cluster that is either going out or has a bad solder joint.  As much bad luck as I have had soldering clusters I just get used ones and go from there.  The electronic odometer can be transfered to the new (wrecking yard) unit.  That is, if you want to go that way.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the prompt reply.
Where exactly is the transformer? I did not see one on the board unless, it is on the side facing the driver. I did how ever see what looked like a chip. I am guessing it is not practical trying to change the transformer. Could you tell me how to get the speedometer out? I will try the wrecking yard to see if they can match one up by vin model number (2004 Sentra 1.8S) and see what their asking price is.
One again Thank you,
Martin Picke'


On old Nissan vehicles it was on the back of the cluster.  Now it is inside.  It is not worth the trouble unless you are a speciality shop with spares.  To disassemble the cluster you need to remove the clear plastic cover and then the inner trim and then unscrew the desired components.  The odometer is close to the bottom and is easy to seperate from the speedometer unit.  I would suggest you clean your hands and dry them good and then get a bath towel and lay it on a table to start the process.  The clear lense can be cleaned with Armor All and a micro fiber cloth before you reinstall it.  Do this last since you do not want contamination since everything in the cluster is a flat finish.  No fingerprints for a professional job.  google Greanleaf and they can find you a cluster cheap.  They are owned by someone else but the name still works for the search.  They are nationwide and that helps in getting parts.