Nissan Repair: rear brakes, brake cables, rear brakes
QuestionI noticed my gas mileage was down. Ive tuned up and no diff. Upon inspection of the truck. I found when on jack stands and in neutral my rear wheels are very hard to spin as if the brakes are just slightly applied the vehicle in question is 1993 nissan 4cyl 4wheel drive unmodified what would cause this.
You will need to check the emergency brake cables to see if they are rusting and binding the brakes. Also, the shoes could be dragging on their own and just need adjusting off a bit. Remove the tire/wheel and then the drum and inspect. There is an adjuster between the shoes taht screws one way to tighten and the other to loosen. You will see if the shoes are moving out or in when you turn the clicker wheel. Loosen until there is only light dragging. Reinstall and you should be fine. If the cables are bound up on the e brake just WD40 and work the sticking out of them.