QuestionQUESTION: I am having difficulty finding the sensor online, any suggestions on a parts supplier (other than Nissan) with reasonable prices? So far all I can find is in the $500.-$600. range which is out of my range. Thank you
ANSWER: Jacque,
These are what I use when purchasing nissan parts. This is from With core $376
1998 NISSAN FRONTIER 2.4L 2389cc L4 MFI [KA24DE] : Emission : Mass Air Flow Sensor Price Core Total
A-1 CARDONE Part # 7450050 {[Mass Airflow Sensor] Reman.}
$321.79 $55.00 $376.79
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I purchased the mass airflow sensor but without the core body: can I connect the new sensor to the old core body?
ANSWER: Jacque,
Yes, you can make one out of two and connect it. Check this out and email me back.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes, I made one out of two ($178.00 for sensor), had my brother clear the code with a scanner & everything seems to be working fine. Thank you for your help. Now can you tell me how to clear the flashing airbag light (passenger side) or do I need to take it to the dealer?
You need to get the system scanned to make sure there is nothing wrong. The car uses a controller area bus for the airbags that polls each part of the system each time the car starts. It is kind of like a computer with an address and each gets communicated with (each airbag and sensor) and then the light turns off. If the light is on the computer for the airbag system has detected a problem. It will cost $100 bucks to get the code read and then you need to figure out what is needed to correct the problem. Now, if someone had an airbag or sensor disconnected with the battery connected that will throw the airbag light too. Also, if the airbag system is defective, and you knew it, and it can be proved, you might be liable in the event of a crash. That is, someone in your car gets hurt because the airbag did not work properly you might be opening yourself up to liability. Just my two cents on getting the thing fixed. There are sources on-line that can repair systems for much less and they even offer replacement parts for the airbag system.